Dr. Bifi Joy
Reg. No. 27613

Dr. Rajiv Sreedharan
MBBS, MD (Skin & STD), DVD
Reg. No. 24619

Dr. Anoop TV
MBBS, MD Dermatology
Reg. No. 31118

Dr. Pretty Mathew
Assistant Professor

Dr. K. Radhakrishnan
Senior Resident
Reg. No. 27211

Dr. Aseefa Vc
MBBS, MD Dermatology venereology and lep
Senior Resident
Reg. No. 72627

Dr. Aparna Praveen P
Senior Resident
Reg. No. 68479

Dr. Rasna Banu T
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 85876

Dr. Midhun K Manoj
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 70618

Dr. Meethu Anil
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 88510

Dr. Melita H
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 75115

Dr. Amrutha P
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 83080

Dr. Nusrath M P
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 76326

Dr. Thamenna Navas
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 83097

Dr. Krishnapriya
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 84170

Dr. Jasni K K
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 76661
1. Rajiv S, Bindurani S. Cronkhite Canada Syndrome. Kerala Jounal of Dermatology Venereology Leprosy. 2011;1(7):51-53.
2. Rajiv S, Bindurani S. Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum- An unusual presentation. Kerala Jounal of Dermatology Venereology Leprosy.. 2011;1(7):57-59.
3. Bindurani s, Rajiv S. Monilethrix with variable expressivity. Int J Trichol 2013;5:53-5.
4. Rajiv S, Bindurani S, Jyothi J. Neutrophilic dermatosis – A Review. Kerala Jounal of Dermatology Venereology Leprosy. 2014;9(1)
5. Thyvalappil Anoop, Sudhamani B, Kizhakkethara G, Sridharan R, Kunjan R. Paraganglioma like dermal melanocytic tumor. Indian J Dermatol 2015;60:80-1
6. Reddy VS, Anoop T, Ajayakumar S, Bindurani S, Rajiv S, Bifi J. Study of clinical spectrum of pediatric dermatoses in patients attending a Tertiary Care Center in North Kerala. Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology 2016;17:267-72.
7. Heera KP, TV Anoop, S Ajayakumar, K Robins, S Rajiv. The significance of Tzanck smear in evaluation of vesiculo bullous skin lesions in correlation with clinical diagnosis-A cross sectional study.International Journal of Contemporary medical Research 2017;4(2):337-340.
8. Nayak AK, Anoop TV, Sacchidanad S. A clinico-etiological study of urethritis in men attending sexually transmitted disease clinic at tertiary hospital. Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2017;38:136-41.
9. Pavithran KV, Ajayakumar S, Anoop M, Anoop TV. Pityriasis rosea - a clinico-epidemiological study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(53):3516-3521
10. Sreejesh Narayanan, S Ajayakumar, S Rajiv, T V Anoop. A clinicoepidemiologic study and patch testing in footwear contact dermatitis. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. April 2016; 18(3): 506-10
11. Amal Shyam, TV Anoop, S Ajayakumar, K Robins, S Rajiv. A study to determine the quality of life in patients with acne vulgaris. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. 2014;12(1):173-176.
12. T. V. Anoop, K. Radhakrishnan, S. Ajayakumar, S. Rajiv, M. Revathy. “Paraneoplastic Palmo Plantar Keratoderma: A Case Report”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 32, August 04; Page: 8800-03
13. Fasalul Abideen, Anoop Thy Valappil, Pretty Mathew, Ajayakumar Sreenivasan, Rajiv Sridharan. Quality of life in patients with alopecia areata attending dermatology department in a tertiary care centre - A cross-sectional study. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology. 2018; 28 (2): 175-180.
14. Hashba H, Bifi J, Thyvalappil A, Sridharan R, Sreenivasan A, Mathew P. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Lichen Planus: A Cross-sectional Study from a Tertiary Care Center. Indian Dermatol Online Journal. 2018;9(5):304-308.
15. Aneesh Bava, Joy Bifi, Anoop Thyvalappil, Sridharan Rajiv, Sreenivasan Ajayakumar, Mathew Pretty. Effect of 30% salicylic acid peels in mild to moderate acne vulgaris: a hospital-based non-randomised clinical study. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology 2018; 28 (2): 146-151
16. Mathew P, Sridharan R, Anoop T, Sreenivasan A. A Control Crossover Study to access the role of dietary elimination in reducing severity of atopic dermatitis. Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology 2019;20:41-5.
17. Prabhakar V, Joy B, Thyvalappil A, Sridharan R, Sreenivasan A, Mathew P. Prevalence, clinical profile, and severity of nail involvement in psoriasis – A hospital-based cross-sectional study from a tertiary care center in North Kerala. Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2019;1(2):72-6.
18. Thyvalappil A, Pretty M, B Anumod, S Ajayakumar, S Rajiv, Bifi J, K Radhakrishnan. Current Trends of Leprosy in a Tertiary Care Centre in North Kerala: A 10 Year Observational Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Leprosy 2019;91: 175-183.
19. Thyvalappil A, Sridharan R, Amrutha MP, Nair G, Sreenivasan A. Patch test results of 276 cases with footwear dermatitis A retrospective study from a tertiary care centre in South India. Indian Dermatol Online Journal 2020;11:720-4.
20. Anumod B, Bifi Joy, Anoop TV, Pretty Mathew,Ajayakumar S, Rajiv S. A comparative study of therapeutic response to intralesional injections of platelet rich plasma versus triamcinolone acetonide in alopecia areata. Indian Dermatol Online Journal 2020;11:920-4.
21. Sarma N, Chakraborthy S, Poojary S, Kumar BM, Gupta LK, Budamakuntla L, Kumrah L, Das S, Ovhal AG, Mandal NK, Mukherjee S, Anoop TV, Thakur BK, Eswari L, Samson JF, Patel KB, Rajagopalan R, Gupta S, Kaur T. A nation-wide, multicentric epidemiologic case control study on vitiligo (medec-v) to elicit the magnitude and correlates of vitiligo. Indian Journal of Dermatology 2020;65:473-82.
22. Itty AA, Sridharan R, Thyvalappil A, Sudhamani B. Erythroderma: a clinico etiological study of 77 patients in a tertiary care centre in Kerala. International Journal of Research in Dermatology 2021;7:73-7.
23. Raseena Moosakkada, Bifi Joy, Pretty Mathew, Rajiv Sridharan, Anoop Thyvalappil, Krishnanpotty Radhakrishnan. A clinico-epidemiological study of melasma in a tertiary care hospital: A cross sectional study. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2020; 30(2): 310-315.
24. Mohan P, Joy B, Anoop T, Sridharan R. Sarcoidosis – The master mi micker. J Skin Sex Transm Dis 2021;3(1):96-8.
25. Mundakkat V, Sridharan R. Factors Affecting the Duration of Phase 1 of Dexamethasone-Immunosuppressant Pulse Therapy for Pemphigus Group of Disorders: A 10-Year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Center. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2018;9(6):405-408. doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_74_18
26. George RM, Sridharan R. Factors aggravating or precipitating acne in Indian adults: A hospital-based study of 110 cases. Indian J Dermatol 2018;63:328-31
27. Saliny M, Joy B, Sridharan R. Laws and signs of congenital syphilis. J Skin Sex Transm Dis 2020;2(1):62-4.
28. Pretty M, Bifi J, Radhakrishnan K, Hashba H. Systemic nocardiosis in a lepromatous leprosy patient with type 2 reaction. Int J Dermatol. 2018 May;57(5):620-622.
29. Celia Mathew, Rajiv Sridharan, Bindurani S. A study of the association of psoriasis with metabolic syndrome from a tertiary care centre in Kerala, South India. IP Indian J Clin Exp Dermatol 2021;7:18-23.
30. Itty AA, Sridharan R, Thyvalappil A, Sudhamani B. Erythroderma: a clinico etiological study of 77 patients in a tertiary care centre in Kerala. International Journal of Research in Dermatology 2021;7:73-7.
31. Rajendran L, Thyvalappil A, Sridharan R, Ajayakumar S, Sparshadeep E M, Divakaran B. A study of cutaneous adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care center in south India. Clin Dermatol Rev 2021;5:173-7
32. Raseena Moosakkada, Bifi Joy, Pretty Mathew, Rajiv Sridharan, Anoop Thyvalappil, Krishnanpotty Radhakrishnan. A clinico-epidemiological study of melasma in a tertiary care hospital: A cross sectional study.Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2020; 30(2): 310-315.
33. Mohan P, Joy B, Anoop T, Sridharan R. Sarcoidosis – The master mi micker. J Skin Sex Transm Dis 2021;3(1):96-8.
34. Kumar D D, Thyvalappil A, Nayak K. Clinical patterns of sexually transmitted diseases in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals in a tertiary care center in South India. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2021;42:132-7
35. Amrutha MP, Bifi J, Anoop T, Ajayakumar S, Radhakrishnan K, Rajiv S. Topical 0.1% adapalene gel versus 0.1% adapalene and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide combination gel in the treatment of mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris: An open-label randomized controlled pilot study.Indian J Drugs Dermatol 2021;7:20-23
36. Benny D, Makkuni A, Thyvalappil A, Mathew P, Sridharan R, Druhin A V. Quality of life and psychiatric comorbidity in vitiligo: A hospital-based cross-sectional study from a tertiary care center in South India. J Dermatol Dermatol Surg 2021;25:114-8
37. Vellattuchola A, Anoop T, Mathew P, Rajiv S. Erythroderma secondary to dermatophytosis. Indian J Dermatopathol Diagn Dermatol 2022;9:77-9
38. Saliny M, Thyvalappil A, Mathew P, et al. Patch Test Profile of Patients Attending the Contact Dermatitis Clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India: A Four-Year Retrospective Study. Arc Clin Exp Dermatol. 2022;4(2):137
39. Mathew T, Joy B, Thyvalappil A, Sridharan R, Sudhamani B. Clinical severity and quality of life in patients with psoriasis from India. Dermatology Review/Przegląd Dermatologiczny. 2022;109(3):251-254. doi:10.5114/dr.2022.120182.
40. Itty AA, Sridharan R, Thyvalappil A, Sudhamani B, Divakaran B. Study of prevalence of skin prick test positivity for food allergens in chronic urticaria patients attending a tertiary care center in South India. J Egypt Womens Dermatol Soc 2022;19:115-20