
Dr. Swarnalatha Pk

MBBS, MD Physiology


Reg. No. 18302


Dr. Jija Jose M

MBBS, MD Physiology

Associate Professor

Reg. No. 33350


Dr. Sheeba.V

MBBS, MD Physiology

Associate Professor

Reg. No. 31354


Dr. Jyothi Damodar

MBBS, MD Physiology

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. 31525


Dr. Suchitra U

MBBS, MD Physiology

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. 30616


Dr. Veena Thamban


Assistant Professor

Reg. No. 44372


Dr. Priya P V

MBBS, MD Physiology

Assistant Professor

Reg. No. 35381


Dr. Jyothish S S


Senior Resident

Reg. No. 53310


Dr. Ancy Xavier

MBBS, MD Physiology

Senior Resident

Reg. No. 67085


Mrs. Saritha K R

BSc, MSc Biophysics



Dr. P G Jayalakshmi


Junior Resident

Reg. No. 79775


Dr. Amina Nazeer


Junior Resident

Reg. No. 69132


Dr. Varsha Vijayan


Junior Resident

Reg. No. 65744


Dr. Sumayya S


Junior Resident

Reg. No. 47977


Dr. Akhil Rajendran

MBBS, MD physiology

Junior Resident

Reg. No. 85277


Dr. Mubeena V


Junior Resident

Reg. No. 67986








1. Comparative study of blood pressure variation in obese and non obese children: Dr.Suchitra U

2. Study of pulmonary function variations in abdominal obesity: Dr.Jyothi Damodar

3. Risk factors associated with gestational diabetes mellitus: a case control study in a tertiary care hospital: Dr.Veena Thamban

4. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and its Relation to Pre-pregnancy Body Mass index: Dr.Veena Thamban

5. Anemia in relation to body mass index among female students of North Kerala: a pilot study. Dr.Veena Thamban

6. Neck circumference: A screening tool to assess obesity among medical undergraduates: Dr.Veena Thamban

7. Status of pulmonary functions in different phases of menstrual cycle in healthy adolescent girls: Dr.Veena Thamban.

8. Vitamin D status and its association with dyslipidemia among medical under graduates in Academy of Medical Sciences Pariyaram: Dr.Annapurna K.

9. Effect of yoga on sleep: Dr.Annapurna K.

10. Comparative study of Short Term Memory in Type 2 Diabetics and non-Diabetics, in 30-50 years of age: Dr.Sapna.

11. Effect of Yoga on stress and quality of sleep among undergraduates of Government college: Dr.Vibeesh

12. Pulmonary function tests and their correlation with glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care centre: Dr.Jyothish

13. Thyroid dysfunction and associated factor in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a hospital based.study: Dr.Ancy Xavier

14. Bone Mineral density & Hand grip strength in Psychiatric patients: Dr Kavana GV, Ms. Jennet: ICMR Project

15. Effect of duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus on long term memory: Dr Sapna

16. Serum magnesium levels in diagnosed cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tertiary care centre- a hospital based observational study: Dr Varsha Vijayan

17. Relation between glycemic control and thyroid dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Dr. Ancy

18. Prevalence of depression and associated factors among first year medical students in a medical college in northern part of Kerala: Dr Jyothish S S

19. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: Dr Ancy

20. Forced vital capacity in diabetic patients: Dr. Jyothish S S




1. Sreedharan, A., Konath, S. P., Madakkavil, S. K., & Surendran, P. Computerised Spirometric Evaluation of Pulmonary Functions in Obese Hypertensive and Obese Non-Hypertensive Male Subjects; A Comparative Study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research.2020:3(6):166–174.

2. Reddy RR, Nambiar S. Correlation of anthropometric indices with lipid profile in adult females. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2018;8(4):512-516.

3. Annapurna K, PK Swarnalatha. Vitamin D status and its association with lipid profile among medical under graduates in a medical college in kerala. Global Journal of medical, Pharmaceutical & biomedical update. 2020; 15(17):1-4.

4. Kamalakshi, Kavana GV, Anila Kumari. Effect of cigarette smoking on serum lipid profile. International journal of physiology 2018;6(1).

5. Kavana GV, Vinutha Shankar, Sparshadeep EM. Effect of road traffic noise on auditorythreshold in traffic policemen. International journal of current research in biology andmedicine. 2018:3(6):12-17.

6.Kavana GV, Sparshadeep EM, Shiyas MA, Sheeba DK. Assessment of Depression and Social Support in Elderly Subjects Residing at an OldAge Home: A Pilot Study. J Clin Diag Res. 2018; 12:10–4.

7. Sparshadeep EM, Kavana GV, SheebaDamodar KP. Qualitative study on perception of first year medical undergraduates towards mentorshipprogram. NJPPP. 2019; 6(6):510-514.

8. Kavya GV, Soubhagyalakshmi, Geetha, Kavana GV. Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry and its relation to perinatal outcome in normal andhigh-risk pregnancies. JEMDS. 2019;8(17): 1408-1411.

9.Sheeba.V,Arunkumar.P, Swarnalatha.P.K.To evaluate the haemoglobin concentration, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with chronic kidney disease. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2016 Dec;4 (10)4472-4476.

10.Sheeba.V Arunkumar P, Swarnalatha. P.K, Correlation of haemoglobin with creatinine clearance, Antioxidant status, Lipid peroxidation and Ceruloplasmin in patients with chronic kidney disease. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2016 Dec; 4(10):4487-4492.

11. Veena Thamban, Kavana GV, Sparshadeep EM. Anemia in relation to body mass index among female students of North Kerala: a pilot study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2018 Nov; 6(11):3607-3610.

12. Veena Thamban, Kavana GV. Neck circumference: A screening tool to assess obesity among medical undergraduates. IJCRT.2020;8(4): 2320-2882.

13. Veena Thamban, Kavana GV. Gestational diabetes mellitus and its relation to pre-pregnancy body mass index. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020:14(9): CC01-CC03.


Medical education courses attended by faculty


1. Dr. Swarnalatha P K Basic course in medical education technology – February 28th to March 2nd 2013 Competency Based Medical Education(Physiology) – June 2020 to August 2020
Curriculum Implementation Support Program -2, November 2020
Revised basic course in medical education technology-September 2021
Course in Question Paper Designing(MEU India) – December 2020 to January 2021
Simulation Based Medical Education (MEU India) - December 2020 to April 2021.
Faculty Development Course Implementing CBME Based curriculum in Physiology - December 2021 to April 2022.
Basic Course in Biomedical Research- August-December 2020
2. Dr.Sheeba V Curriculum Implementation Support Program -1(May 21st to 23rd 2019)
Basic Course in Biomedical Research- March 2022
3. Dr. Suchitra U Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies – November 27th to November 29th 2013
Curriculum implementation support program – 1, May 21st to 23rd 2019.
Basic Course in Biomedical Research- March-June 2020
4. Dr. Jyothi Damodar Curriculum Implementation Support Program -1(May 21st to 23rd 2019)
Competency Based Medical Education(Physiology) – June 2020 to August 2020
Basic Course in Biomedical Research- April 2022
Faculty Development Course Implementing CBME Based curriculum in Physiology - December 2021 to April 2022.
5. Dr. Veena Thamban Curriculum Implementation Support Program -1 (May 21st to 23rd 2019)
Certificate Programme in Research Methodology (KUHS) - October 2019.
Basic Course in Biomedical Research_ August-December 2020
6. Mrs. Saritha K R Basic Course in Biomedical Research- April 2022