Department of Psychiatry
The Psychiatry OPD commenced in this institution (erstwhile Academy of Medical Sciences [ACME]) in the year 1995 and ever since the department has been catering its services to both rural and urban population in northern Kerala. We have bolstered our services since the institution was taken over by the Govt. of Kerala in 2019 and the institution has been renamed Govt. Medical College Kannur.
The department had been fully functional even during the COVID pandemic (2019) and in addition to our regular out-patient services, a round-the-clock Covid Psychological Support Cell was established to provide psychological support to Covid positive patients. A special questionnaire was formulated by the department for early identification and management of patients vulnerable to psychiatric illness and suicide attempts.
The department prepares students and trainees to deliver clinical services of the highest quality in accordance with the understanding of the ethical principles. It also endorses the delivery of care in a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective manner that meets the needs of patients, families and the community.
Phone 0497 2 88 2250 (Department)
0497 2 88 2250 (OPD)
OPD on all days except sunday
Timings 8.00am to 3.00pm
OPD at hospital block level 3 Room No 22
Department at hospital block level 3 Room No 22
[email protected]
- Out-Patient Clinics- During the year 2021-22, our department provided out-patient consultation to about 3500 new cases and 10,000 follow up cases
- In-Patient admissions and treatment- There is a separate male and female ward with a total of 33 beds
- Psychopharmacological management
- Psychotherapy and psychometric assessments
- IQ assessment
- Biofeedback therapy
- Electro-convulsive Therapy (ECT)
- Consultation-liaison services
- Public awareness programmes
- Psychiatric Emergency services

Dr. Yesudas K F
MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Reg. No. 18644

Dr. Druhin A V
MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Reg. No. 18448

Dr. Anithakumari Ayirolimeethal
MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Associate Professor
Reg. No. 24609

Dr. Padmini C
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. 23515

Dr. Deepak K Prabhakaran
MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. 42081

Dr. Sumesh Balachandran
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. 38511

Dr. Amrutha Francis
Senior Resident
Reg. No. 66461

Dr. Arun Kumar S
Junior Resident

Dr. Navaneeth R
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 77140

Dr. Anusree.N
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 67090

Dr. Gyanendra Rai
Junior Resident

Dr. Nusrin Fathima
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 98773

Dr. Simimol.N
Junior Resident
Reg. No. 70705
The department spearheads medical education with courses for MBBS, MD (Psychiatry) with a regular intake of 2 seats per year and also offers training for B.Sc and M.Sc nursing students and Pharm D students. We have full-fledged academic activities round the year.
Undergraduate MBBS teaching (As per the latest NMC curriculum)
Regular theory lectures
Clinical case discussions
Orientation classes
Seminars and Role plays for Interns
MD (Psychiatry) Post Graduate Teaching Program
Journal Club
Case Conference
Bedside Case discussion
Semester examinations
NMHP modules
Regular visits to Rehabilitation Institutes
B.Sc/ M.Sc Nursing Training
Case discussions
Pharm D training
OPD teaching
Regular rounds
1. Psychiatric co-morbidities, quality of life and its relationship to severity of addiction: a cross sectional hospital-based study among alcohol dependent patients
2. Psychiatric diagnosis, hopelessness, suicidal intent and stressful life events in suicide attempters in tertiary care hospitals of North Kerala
3. Psychiatric morbidity, stressful life events and quality of life in geriatric population a hospitalbased cross-sectional study
4. Somatic symptoms in depression and its correlation with severity and suicidality - a cross-sectional study
5. Caregiver burden in chronic mentally ill patients and their coping mechanism.
6. Frequency of behavioral and psychologicalsymptoms of dementia in patients with dementiaof the Alzheimer’s type attending the psychiatry department ina tertiary care hospital ofnorth Kerala
7. Sexual dysfunction in male schizophrenia remitted patients treated with risperidone andolanzapine: a comparative study in a tertiary care hospital in Northern Kerala.
Ongoing Researches
1. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in spouses of patients with alcohol dependence syndrome admitted in a tertiary care centre in Northern Kerala
2. Bone mineral density and its relation with handgrip strength: As an indicator for the risk of osteoporosis among patients with Psychiatric disorders
3. Effect of Yoga on stress and quality of sleep among undergraduate students of a government college in Northern Kerala.
4. Psychological problems in parents of Covid positive infants.
5. Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross Sectional Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Northern Kerala
6. Prescribing pattern and ADR profile of drugs used in the management of ADHD in children.
7. Knowledge Attitude and Concern amongst parents of children and adolescents born with Cleftlip and palate: A multi-centric study (in Collaboration with AIIMS Rishikesh).
8. Prevalence of Internetaddiction and its associated psychology amongst medical students in a tertiary care hospital in northern Kerala
9. Psychiatric morbidities among prisoners in a prison in north Kerala
10. Impulsivity and psychiatric morbidity in suicide attempters
1. Dr. Padmini Cherukunnath, Dr.Arun M Palayat, Dr.Binoo Divakaran, Dr.Mohachandran V V. Deliberate Self harm in Alcohol Dependent Outpatients in Tertiary Care Centre -JMSCR, Vol:04/Issue:04/April Page No. 10282-10290.
2. Dr. Padmini Cherukunnath, Dr.Arun M Palayat, Dr.Binoo Divakaran, Dr.Mohachandran V V. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Alcohol Dependent Outpatients in Tertiary Care Centre- JMSCR, Vol:04/Issue:03/March Page No. 9881-9889.