Department of Biochemistry
The Department of Biochemistry was established since the inspection of this institute under the aegis of Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram in 1995. It caters to academic training of students enrolled in MBBS, BDS, M.Sc Biochemistry, B.Sc and diploma in nursing, B.Sc and diploma in Paramedical courses. The clinical laboratory situated in hospital block level II caters to basic biochemical and hormonal investigations for patients attending casualty, OPD ad IPD 24 hours every day. The lab is equipped with latest automated instruments providing accurate and fast results with regular internal and external quality control procedures.
Phone 0497 2 88 2168 (Department)
0497 2 88 2684 (HOD)
Department located at College Building level 2
Undergraduate laboratory: Fully equipped under Graduate laboratory with provision for manual and semi automated test procedures involving blood and urine samples.The lab is equipped with semi-automated analyser, Electrophoresis apparatus, PCR equipment, colorimeters, pH meters and distillation apparatus.
Clinical laboratory: The clinical laboratory is equipped with latest automated hormonal, biochemical, immunological assay instruments providing accurate and fast results due to regular internal and external quality control procedures. Results are provided for blood, urine and various body fluids including inflammatory and tumor markers.
Departmental library: The Department houses an extensive library consisting of numerous Text books, reference books and journals.
Lecture Hall: The Department maintains fully equipped gallery type Biochemistry Lecture Hall having all audio visual aids with a capacity to seat 100 students.

Dr. Shaji Sreedhar.K.P
Associate Professor
Reg. No. 38106

Dr. Anjana.V
MBBS, MD Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
Reg. No. 34409

Dr. Sherin Stephen
MBBS, MD Biochemistry
Reg. No. 21503

Mrs. Sreekala P. L
BSc, MSc biochemistry

Mrs. Rema A K

Mr. Prabeesh E
Conduct theory classes, Practical sessions, ECE sessions, AETCOM module sessions , SDL sessions, according to the new CBME curriculum from 2019 batch onwards.
Conduct theory classes, Practical sessions according to prescribed KUHS curriculum.
BSc Nursing, BSc MLT and Paramedical diploma
Conduct theory classes, Practical sessions according to prescribed KUHS curriculum.
1. Guiding students for ICMR STS projects
2. Guiding M.Sc Biochemistry students from other universities for thesis project work
1. Stephen S, Samatha P. Transferrin levels in antenatal women. Int J Med Res Rev [Internet]. 2016Mar.31
2. Meghamol P. C, Sherin Stephen. Evaluation of alpha fetoprotein levels as a risk factor in viral hepatitis in Northern Kerala. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/Volume 1/Issue 6/December-2012 Page-115.
3. Sherin Stephen, DivyaT. Fibrinogen levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of evolution of research in medical biochemistry/vol 1/Issue 1/July Dec 2015 page 3-5
4. Sherin Stephen, Sreeda R Krishnan,J. Evid.based Med. Health, pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/vol 3/ issue 15/Feb 22, 2016, pg 548-550
5. Sherin Stephen, Jyothi Kuriakose, Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences,2014: vol3, issue 30, july 28, pg8490-8494.
6. Stephen S, Ryhanath CC, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Levels in Patients with Viral hepatitis C. J evid based Med. Health. 2016,3(10), 286-287,
7. Vani Axita Chandrakant, Santoshkumar, Hemanth Kumar R Homocysteine levels in diabetic patients with and without cardiovascular disease: A cross sectional analytical study. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2015 April; 6(2)(B) 1361-1365 ISSN : 09756299
8. Axita C Vani and Hemanthkumar R G / International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(07): 456-459. 456 IJBR (2015) 6 (07) International Journal of Biomedical Research ISSN: 0976-9633
9. Vani Axita Chandrakant, Vidya S Patil, Deepti G Ingleshwar, Vijayetha P Patil, Shilpasree A S Thyroid profile in patients with psoriasis National Journal of Laboratory Medicine e. 2017 Jul, Vol 6(3): BO01-04.
10. Vani Axita Chandrakant, Vidya S Patil, Deepti G Ingleshwar, Vijayetha P Patil, SHILPASREE A S.Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia-evaluation of total calcium, ionised calcium, magnesium, lactate and electrolytes. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2017 Oct Vol 6(4): BO01-B006.
11. Suritha PonnenKandy ,Anjana Valiyaveetil. Serum Cystatin C and N-Acetyl-Beta-(D)- Glucosaminidase as Bio-markers in the diagnosis of Acute kidney disease in children.International Journal of Scientific Study 2018;6(4):66-72
12. Kakkoprath Thekkeveetil Madavan ,Valiyaveetil Anjana. Reliability of venous electrolyte measurement from the point-of-care Blood gas analyser- A comparative study with the Central Laboratory Autoanalyser in a tertiary care emergency department. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine.2020 Oct,Vol-9(4):BO18-BO22
13. Sreedhar S,Appunni S. Effectiveness of remedial teaching for improving the academic performance of poorly performing phase 1 medical students in Biochemistry discipline at Government medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala. J Evid Based Med Health 2021;8(34):3193-3199. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/581
14. Kunnath NE, Kayakkal MA, Sreedhar S, et al. Prevalence of low circulatory vitamin D levels in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction - a cross sectional study from a tertiary care centre in Kozhikode, Kerala. J Evid Based Med Health 2021;8(30):2804-2810. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2021/514
15. Shaji S, Sripriya S. A study on the prevalence of Cyberchondriasis among patients with metabolic syndrome and its impact on their psychological health. J Diabetes Metab Disord Control. 2017;4(3):90-93.
16. Shaji Sreedhar KP& Sripriya Shaji. A Comparative KAP Study on Ragi, A Forgotten Wonder Grain with Oats among South Indian Families. Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal.2017;3(1):1-4.